The root of all illness

The leaves have changed and are now falling off the trees. The temperature continues to drop as we head into winter, and many people resign to the fact that they get sick during this time as a result of the weather change. While the weather can certainly be a factor in your comfort, it certainly is not the reason that you fall victim to illness during the holidays.

The truth of the matter is that sickness falls upon those whose immune systems are compromised. But why does it consistently happen during the fall and winter….during the holidays? Well, think about this………..Autumn rushes in and soon the candy starts filling the shelves of every store you walk into. Halloween marks the start of indulgence as we move into Thanksgiving which brings in overindulgence. Let the overeating of food and processed sugar commence!

That’s right, it’s the sugar. It’s not the cold, or the viruses, or the bacteria. It’s too many tins of cookies, pieces of cake and pie, and don’t forget the more frequent pumpkin spice lattes or peppermint mochas. These processed sugar filled treats are absolutely the number one culprit of the holiday blues. Sugar causes a cycle cravings of more of the same. So many people are addicted to sugar and they are not even aware of it. It causes wide spread inflammation and compromises the immune system, which renders your body helpless to fight off viruses and bacteria. Compounded with the pressure and stress of shopping, over spending, attending parties, and not enough rest…. we now have created the perfect storm for illness.

Managing what you put into your body this winter, and all year long, will definitely keep illness at bay. Here are some tips that I use to maintain wellness year round.

  • Immunity Strength - High quality supplements such as zinc, vitamin c, vitamin D3, and magnesium are my daily go to supplements. I add NAC and Quercetin if I feel compromised. (Schedule your wellness consult here)

  • Gut Health - If you haven’t heard by now, the gut is touted as the second brain. The intelligence of the gut to keep us well is sorely underestimated and we continue to debilitate its functions with the continued intake of processed food. Food is medicine people and the sooner you realize that the fast food and pharmaceutical industries do not have your health interests at heart, the sooner you will take your diet choices more seriously.

  • Drink Tea! Tea is one of the most soothing and tasty ways to stay healthy. There are many that are designed to keep you well and nurse you back to vitality. At Natural Aloha, we have designed 4 different blends that are all curated with your health at the forefront. Each blend is made with all organic ingredients.

    • Healing Elixir - An all around health blend. Works to address inflammation, heal the gut, and support the respiratory system. This stimulating blend boosts immunity, is antibacterial, antifungal, antiseptic, antiviral, and detoxifying.

    • Immunity Bomb - Elderberry has been proven over and over again to boost the immune system, relieve flu symptoms, reduce upper respiratory infections, and alleviate sinus pain. The supporting and effective herbs added to this blend elevates this tonic beyond your ordinary elderberry syrup.

    • Tranquility Tonic - Stress is one of the leading causes of immunity suppression. This blend serves up tranquility in a mug. Steep it and drink it warm or pour over ice and sip throughout the day. The organic ingredients in TT have been used to relieve headaches and migraines, calm the nervous system, and decrease systemic pain.

    • Digestive Blend - This blend was designed to help ease the quease due to nervousness and poor diet choices. This is by no means an excuse to eat poorly, but hey stuff happens. Use this blend when your tummy needs help to get on the mend.

    Shop these tea blends in our Healing Potions + Tonics section

  • Sinus Health

    • Warm saline flushes are a great way to keep the bugs away. Some people prefer the neti pot, but I prefer the neti flush bottle. Be sure to use distilled or boiled water. This is a great way to keep your sinuses moist. When the sinuses get dry and cracked, it provides a place for bacteria and viruses to settle in, replicate, and cause illness.

    • Coconut oil is another way to keep your sinuses healthy. Coconut oil is very versatile and known for its antibacterial activity, antiviral, antifungal, antiprotozoal, and antimicrobial action. I use it to coat the inside of the nostrils and I do this often. I use this when it’s cold, when I travel (apply before leaving for the airport!), and if I am going to a party or be around large crowds. I use it all the time. How to apply? Simply dip a q-tip into coconut oil and apply into the nostril and the nasal passage. Use one end of the q-tip for each nostril so as not to cross contaminate. It creates a barrier in the nostrils; preventing anything from sticking and causing illness. It also keeps the area moist and prevents cracking.

    • Essential oil via steam inhalation is my go to. Yes, you can diffuse your favorite sinus, respiratory and immune supporting EO’s but my preference is to do a steam. The water and heat helps to create instant symptom relief. To safely steam, bring a pot of filtered or distilled water to boil then remove from heat. Add a few drops of Breathe, peppermint, eucalyptus, On-Guard or your favorite healthy EO. Then place a towel over your head and inhale deeply multiple times; taking a break in between.

    • Gargle using warm salt water to help keep bacterial and viral loads in the throat down. I use a chemical free mouth was like DoTerra On-Guard as another great option. Also, check with your dentist if they carry OraCare Health Rinse. It has activated chlorine dioxide which has been studied and proven to kill bacteria and viruses.

    It’s time to take your power back, and your health and wellness into your hands! With the multitude of information and options that we have today, we can all create a life that we enjoy. If you are in need of health + wellness or diet guidance, high quality supplements, or are interested in learning about the mind body connection please visit my sister website

**This is not a paid partnership with any of the products mentioned that are not made by Natural Aloha. I have not been paid by any company for sharing their products, nor am I a DoTerra distributor.